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Customer Experience #InFocus – Beccy Saunders

In the latest installment of our #InFocus series, we speak to Beccy Saunders from the Customer Experience Team to find out more about her key role in Keeping Business Moving for Briggs customers and what she enjoys most about her work!

What is your job role at Briggs?

Customer Experience Specialist

How long have you been working at Briggs?

Nearly 19 years now!

What does your job role involve?

There are various parts to my job role however the most important part is to Communicate and listen to our Customers’ needs so that Briggs can continue to Innovate and Improve, enabling us to provide the customer with first class service and support.

I make regular contact with our North customers that have between 1-5 LTR machines on site, offering support to them and showing them that they are a valued customer no matter how many trucks they have with us.

I monitor the feedback that we receive for North and Scotland customers following customer surveys and highlight praise that is received and address any concerns with various departments should any arise.  This also includes improving internal processes to ensure that we are working to our greatest potential.

I facilitate North concerns to ensure a resolution is achieved to take the partnership with our customers above and beyond. Communication is key for building great relationships and that is something that our team always strive to do, this enables us to provide positive customer experiences.

What do you enjoy most about your role?

My favourite part of my job is building relationships and trust with our customers and my colleagues so that we can work together to ensure that the customer receives the best service.  I also love problem solving, there is no better feeling than speaking with a customer, resolving any issues they may have and leaving them feeling satisfied.

What is your proudest moment as part of the team?

My elevate pitch on our customer Proposition training.  I was so nervous but I’m glad I faced my fears and realised it wasn’t as scary as I thought.

What is your biggest achievement as part of the team?

Building some really great relationships with my customers and with various departments within Briggs.  I’m very lucky to be working with such amazing Colleagues and Customers.

How do you see our Customer Experience service evolving moving forward?

I’m fairly new to the role but I can already see Customer Experience expanding as it plays such a vital role within the business.  First class customer service is so important and valued within Briggs as it allows us to grow as business by building trust and improving relationships with our customers, ultimately leading to customer retention and new business.

What’s your favourite film?

I like a lot of films but probably The Ugly Truth.

Favourite meal?

Pizza or you can’t beat a Roast Dinner.

Favourite Musician?

I love most music, I don’t really have a favourite musician.  My daughter has a great playlist that she blasts full volume through the house,.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?

Always be respectful and treat people the way you would want to be treated.

Who are your role-models?

My children, they work so hard and are so determined in everything they do always striving for to be the best.

Click here to find out more about how Briggs Equipment can keep your business moving! 

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